7 Tips for Becoming Better At Rollerblading

I used to be really scared of rollerblading. I made sure I had perfected roller skating before I tried out rollerblading for the first time. 

Thankfully, I was consistent enough with my rollerblading practices till I got a hang of it. If I were to rate my rollerblading skills on a scale of 1-10, I’ll rank myself an 11, because why not!

Rollerblading isn’t the easiest form of skating to learn. Experts recommend learning the roller skating first before transitioning into rollerblading which I totally agree with. 

On your first trial, you may be intimated watching people your age or younger rollerblading with so much ease, thus making you overwhelmed and considering quitting rollerblading and concentrating full time on roller skating instead. If this is you, this blog posting is for you. 

Think of yourself as a toddler learning how to walk for the first time. You most definitely will fall at several intervals, but eventually, you’ll be able to stand on your own. Gradually you’ll begin to walk and the rest is history. 

However, progressing successfully in rollerblading takes a certain level of concentration and determination to achieve. 

Although I hated rollerblading at the onset, I was so determined to learn it and I eventually did with the right skill set. Thanks to my then coach and friends who kept encouraging me, I can comfortably call myself a professional rollerblading skater.  

In this blog post, I’ll be talking extensively about 7 tips on how to become better at rollerblading. These tips worked wonders for me and my friends and I thought I’d share them with the community. But first, if you’re going to do this, kill every atom of fear or better still hide it. I doubt you’ll be able to enjoy rollerblading if you’re so afraid. 

I’ve gone out and carried out comprehensive research to make these tips eventually turn out to be a great guide in your roller-skating journey. 

Let’s begin!

Have fun as much as you can

Rollerblading is not a do-or-die affair, and if you’re having a hard time having fun while roller skating, then you may be doing the whole process wrongly. 

I highly doubt you can successfully learn rollerblading if you’re not having fun. Record the experience, have your friends, family, and loved ones come watch and encourage you while you’re at it. 

You’re also free to bring side attraction to the rink, to serve as a distraction for you as well as a relaxation spot just in case you’re beginning to feel overwhelmed. 

If you decide to go alone while practicing your rollerblading techniques, another way to have fun in the process is by listening to your favorite jams while rollerblading. 

Practice your stance and balance

The first time I started inline skating or rollerblading, my coach made sure I learned how to balance myself of the wheels before moving forward to any other technique. With the proper body balance, you’re bound to have a successful rollerblading experience. 

One of the easiest ways to see to it that you achieve this is by doing some basic body balance exercises to improve your stance and balance properly. I remember falling down almost every time is tried. Unlike the roller skates, it doesn’t have quad wheels which are designed for good balance while skating.

After talking to a few expert inline skating, the majority of them laid emphasis on achieving body balance if you want to get better in your roller skating journey. You’ll be able to pull off just about any rollerblading technique as far as you have the right body balance.

Watch educational rollerblading videos

YouTube served as one of my instructors when I couldn’t really land a move I was trying out. Thankfully, we’ve evolved to the digital age and there’s just about enough information to educate you on the dos and don’ts of rollerblading on every skill level.

The only thing required for you is to have a strong internet connection to stream videos and a phone, laptop, or tablet.

Depending on the type of technique you’re looking to learn all you need to do is simply click on the search button and type whatever technique you have in mind. 

My first ever skating teacher was YouTube. I made sure to follow and subscribe to top roller skaters’ channels to give me the necessary information I may need to begin my skating journey. I specifically learned turns, stops, and one-foot stride from YouTube. They were so much easier to watch and understand and easily implement into my actual rollerblading.  

You can learn different other skills and techniques as well, however, it does depend on what you may have in mind. TikTok is also somewhere you’ll want to get educational tutorial rollerblading videos. 

Practice makes perfect

This is a saying that has helped millions of people become who they are today and yes, you can also be an expert rollerblading skater if you set your mind to it. Constant practices help improve your skills as a rollerblading skater. The more you practice, the more perfect you get in your rollerblading. 

I mean, we all have to sacrifice something to achieve an even greater height and in this case, you’ll have to sacrifice your sweet naps or that outing you had planned out with the gang.

Just make sure you’re skating at least 2 hours a day. At that pace you’ll easily become an expert rollerblading skater. 

Build your self-confidence

If self-confidence was sharable, I’m sure a lot of people would have just enough to withstand a mountain standing in their ways.

It’s definitely okay to get scared and afraid- I do too sometimes (even up till now) but if you can withstand the fear, it will be one of the best decisions you made in your rollerblading journey.

If you don’t have the confidence to try out roller skating, you’ll definitely lose your grip and probably consider quitting rollerblading entirely. So, in other to become the best you can be at rollerblading, you’ll want to make sure you build up the courage you need, and confidence in yourself.

Do keep in mind that regardless of how much confidence you may have, you’re surely going to fall once or twice or probably more than that. But what matters is that you have the confidence to pick yourself back up regardless of how many times you fall while rollerblading. Keep your shoulders high, and aim for the sky (which is becoming a pro)

Always wear protective gear

I never fail to talk about protective gear at the slightest opportunity. Please guys, rollerblading is 10 times more dangerous than roller skating. You can get yourself severely injured in the process regardless of what skill level you are. 

Nobody is above getting injuries; however, I do hope that is not the case for any of you. They’re pretty affordable compared t buying actual inline skates. As much as you’re looking to have fun while rollerblading, what good will it do you if you were are not putting on a protective gear. 

Yes, I know that sometimes it’s uncomfortable to wear protective gear, especially when on a date. But if you guys get hit by a truck in the process whose fault will it be then? 

A basic complete protective gear comprises a head safety helmet, elbow pads, knee pads, and wrist guards. All can be customized according to your personal interest and to suit your taste. 

Putting on protective gear provides you with enough safety to try out different rollerblading skills. This goes further to hasten your process of  learning rollerblading skating and becoming a Pro in it. But still, even if you are in a no-danger zone, always put on protective gear while rollerblading. 

Skate in groups and pairs

I personally enjoyed rollerblading in groups with a bunch of skaters I had no idea who they were. Most of them were really skilled and guided me to land some rollerblading techniques correctly, while a few others were just like me. 

It is indeed a great thing to consider especially because of the fun that comes with rollerblading with people. You’re also free to go rollerblading with your friends and family in groups. 

A group of open-minded rollerblading skaters is bound to produce successful and professional rollerblading skater. Because of this, I like to advise every beginner, new to rollerblading to have an open mind and communicate freely with other rollerblading skaters. 

Learn to ask for help with certain techniques if you want. If you’re an introvert, you may frown at this especially because you’re not a people person. However, I do want to encourage all introverts out there to leave their comfort zone when it comes to rollerblading. 

If you’re still not keen on the whole group idea, you’re free to enroll in an online skating class where you can communicate freely without feeling like people are judging you.  Or better still get a personal trainer to help you develop your skills to the fullest. 

Related questions

1. Is rollerblading difficult to learn? 

Rollerblading is not the easiest skating to learn, but I wouldn’t say it is hard. It’s totally achievable with the right mindset, passion, and determination. So no, rollerblading isn’t difficult to learn if you’re actually willing to learn it.

2. Can I rollerblade fast?

Yes, you most definitely can run wild if you’re skilled enough to know when to stop. I wouldn’t recommend fast skating on inline skates for beginners. Mainly because they are still trying to get a hang on how rollerblading skating actually works. 

3. Where can I get protective gear?

You can buy protective gear from your local skating shops or from online marketplaces such as; Amazon, EBay, Aliexpress, etc. whichever you’re comfortable buying from. 

Final words

Take it from someone who was literally cared of inline skates because they did not come with toe-stops. 

If you’re looking to improve on your rollerblading skating, you’ll want to take all that we have addressed in this blog post seriously and put your head in the game. Rollerblading is just as fun as the roller-skating. 

I hope you enjoyed this blog post s usual, please leave your opinion and views in the comment section below. 

Until next time friends