How To Keep Ankles Straight When Rollerblading (Do I Need Better Rollerblades?)

I often hear people worry about not being able to keep their ankles straight while rollerblading. Not maintaining proper form makes rollerblading more difficult than it actually is. It also makes you more susceptible to getting injured!

It is absolutely essential to learn how to keep your ankles straight and your posture upright while rollerblading. Yet, if you’re unable to do that, there are a few posture changes and exercises that you need to do.

Keep on reading to know about these methods in detail and how to avoid an improper posture. I have also included some tricks and exercises to help you rollerblade with ease and decide whether your rollerblades are the right fit for you.

Why Do My Rollerblades Lean Inwards? 

If you notice that your rollerblades keep leaning inwards, then you need to look out for the below-mentioned reasons: 

Reason 1: Improper Size Of Rollerskates

Finding the right-sized rollerblades is slightly tricky. What may seem like the perfect fit can turn out to be the reason why you rollerskate incorrectly despite your best efforts.

I often see people wearing rollerskates that leave too much space for their feet to move around within the shoe. This makes it challenging to balance your weight on your ankles and makes the rollerblades lean inwards.

On the other hand, if your rollerblades are smaller than they need to be, they can put excessive pressure on your feet. In turn, your feet might start to ache, and you will find it hard to stake with ease.

It is not difficult to identify whether your rollerblades are too small in size. If you are a complete beginner, wearing rollerblades might feel slightly uncomfortable for the first few days. But if you feel excessive discomfort or pain, you might want to consider getting rollerblades that are bigger in size.

Later in this article, I explain a simple way of determining whether a set of certain rollerblades are the right size for you.

Reason 2:  Improper Way of Tying Lace

After finding rollerblades of the ideal size, you may still be tying them too tight or too loose. Being comfortable in your rollerblades is essential for maintaining balance and posture. Rollerblades that do not fit correctly may be the reason why you might find it hard to keep your ankles straight while skating.

To know whether you are tying the laces of your rollerblades properly, follow this simple trick: After tying your rollerblades, try to insert one finger into your shoe. That should be roughly the amount of space ideal for your feet to be comfortable in the rollerblades.

If you can insert two or even three fingers into the shoe while you are wearing it, it means that you have tied your rollerblades too lightly. On the other hand, if you cannot fit even a single finger into the shoe, consider that you need to loosen your rollerblades.

Reason 3: Incorrect Posture

One reason for not being able to keep your ankles straight might be that your posture is incorrect. 

A common mistake that I have observed many people make is rollerblading with their legs too wide apart. This can make it difficult to balance your weight, causing your ankles to go inwards or outwards.

You should also be cautious of not keeping your legs too close together while rollerblading. This would leave no space for you to support your weight and can cause you to fall.

It might seem difficult to change your posture after getting used to it, but it is crucial to rollerblade properly. The correct way to be rollerblading is to keep your knees in line with your toes and to keep them slightly bent.

Reason 4: Ankle Issues

Despite making sure that your posture is correct and comfortable, you might still find it difficult to keep your ankles straight. After ensuring that you have checked everything else, all you need to do to fix this ‘problem’ is practice.

As a beginner, it will take you some time to maintain proper posture and control over the rollerblades. Your ankles may seem to be going inwards because it takes time to learn how to maintain balance.

With practice, you will be able to conduct yourself with ease. However, it is best to ensure that you are maintaining proper posture as you learn how to rollerblade. Learning how to balance your body weight while rollerblading will take between one to two weeks.

What Will Happen if My Ankles Keep Leaning Inwards?

If you do not ensure that you maintain proper posture from the beginning as a learner, you may have a hard time fixing it afterward. However, it is not impossible to learn how to maintain good posture and balance while rollerblading.

The problem arises if you do not change the way you skate despite knowing it may be incorrect. As you rollerblade, your entire body weight rests on your ankles and feet. This makes it essential to keep two things in mind:

  • Firstly, your ankles should be straight and not pointing inwards or outwards. This will make it easy for you to maintain balance and not put too much weight on your feet.
  • Secondly, you need to make sure that the rollerblades that you wear are comfortable. If they are too tight or too loose, they will make it difficult for you to maintain your posture, and you are likely to fall.

I have already mentioned what the ideal posture while rollerblading should be. If you keep your knees slightly bent and aligned with your feet, you will easily be able to keep your ankles straight. 

Rollerblading is not a dangerous sport, but not following these steps may cause problems for you:

  1. Not properly balancing your weight can direct pressure towards your ankles and make you prone to getting injured. It can easily make you more likely to fall.
  1. Keeping your legs too far apart or too close together can also cause you to get injured or trip. You may sprain your ankle or fall on another body part, such as your arm or shoulder.

Even if you ensure that your ankles are straight and you can rollerblade without falling, you need to be comfortable. Rollerblading is an enjoyable activity. The skates you wear also need to be comfortable so that you can rollerblade with ease!

You can make sure that you are tying them correctly, but if your rollerskates are causing you great discomfort, it might mean that they are not the right size for you. Read on to find out whether your rollerblades are suitable for you or not.

How to Keep Ankles Straight When Rollerblading?

I have already covered the technical problems that might make it difficult for you to keep your ankles straight while rollerblading. But you also need to do things to ensure that you are ready to rollerblade properly.

Rollerblading requires physical activity like other sports. So naturally, you will need to warm up before you rollerblade. This will not only make you less prone to injuries but also help you stretch your ankles.

Here are two simple, quick exercises that you can do to warm up before roller skating:

1For the first exercise, you need to assume a position where you can comfortably extend your legs. After that, you can either lie down on the ground or sit on a chair.

Then, extend one leg out and rotate your ankle. You can rotate it clockwise a few times and then go anti-clockwise. Repeat the exercise with your other ankle.
2The second exercise might be as easy as it gets. Simply stand on one foot and bend the other foot in the air for about a minute. Then, repeat the exercise with the other foot.

Do I Need Better Rollerblades?

It is important to make sure that your rollerblades fit you properly. I have extensively discussed the impact that this has on how you rollerblade. Earlier in the article, I also mentioned using a simple trick to know if a certain pair of rollerblades is right for you or not!

To know whether the rollerblades that you are wearing are the right size, try to insert two fingers into the back of the rollerblade as you are wearing it. This will show you how comfortably your foot lies in the shoe.

If you can insert more than two fingers, your rollerblades might be too loose, and you need to consider purchasing new ones. Conversely, if you cannot insert two or even a single finger properly, your rollerblade is too tight to let you skate comfortably.

If the size of the rollerblades is not ideal and comfortable, it is better to be safe than sorry. If the wheels of your rollerblades are visibly worn out and forming an angle, you may be at risk of falling more easily. I would highly advise getting better rollerblades.

Final Thoughts 

Rollerblading is not a very complex sport. However, with practice, you can learn how to enjoy rollerblading while doing it properly. All you need is a good pair of rollerblades, the knowledge to do it right, and the will to do something enjoyable.

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We like:  Riedell R3 Quad Roller Skates – I enjoyed every bit, from the lightweight, stability, and double-closure system.  The leather lining makes all the difference.  Very comfortable boot!


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We like:  Roller Derby Candi Girl Sabina – These are our top pick for the fierce women skaters of roller derby.  The skates fit great and break in very quickly!


We like: Chicago Men’s Premium Leather Lined Rink Roller Skate – These are the best and give a good sense of balance.

BEST ROLLER SKATES FOR KIDS:  OUR TOP PICKWe like:  Xino Sports Kids Adjustable Roller Skates for Girls & Boys – My daughter instantly fell in love with them.  Great quality and the light-up wheels are super cool!