Do People Still Rollerblade?

Rollerblading is a fun activity. It’s a chance to fly through the streets on shoes with built-in wheels. Most people aren’t aware of how rollerblading came about. Do people still rollerblade now? In this article, we will take you through the exciting history of rollerblading. And we’ll also answer the burning question if rollerblading is still in.

Rollerblading into History

  • When Did Rollerblading Become a Thing?

In the 1980s, rollerblading, or incline skating as it is known as, became a hopping trend. During this period which continued into the 1990s, rollerblade-branded skates became a success garnering the inspiration for companies to create similar inline skates. It all started with two brothers in 1980, Scott and Brennan Olson, who made a discovery. 

After improving skates to look like a pair of rollerblades, their invention quickly became popular with hockey players all around. The design for the rollerblades became a famous trademark that more people started to call the term skating ‘rollerblading.’ 

  • Rollerblading, Incs Influence on Rollerblading

By 1983, Olson’s founded Rollerblade, Inc. For a long time, it was the only business that manufactured in-line skates. But, the company had its flaws. As customers noted, the rollerblades were tough to put on, adjust and collected dirt in the wheels. After some time, Olson’s eventually sold the business letting new owners improve the design of the rollerblades. 

Fiberglass was used to make the wheels of the frame stronger, protecting the skates from any further damage. By 1989, Rollerblade, Inc produced a brand new model of rollerblades that fastened three buckles instead of long laces that took forever to tie. 

As the brand continued on into the ’90s, the company decreased the average weight of skates and eventually created a brake. Soon, rollerblade went on an increasing ride because of this new safety feature. 

  • How Did Rollerblading Get Its Name?

The Olsen’s succeeded in garnering the right attention for their rollerblades that they went on the market to the public. Because skating was already a popular term, the term rollerblade put the trademark in jeopardy. In fact, by the late 90s, more than 20 million Americans were went skating at least once a year. It soon became the fast-growing sport in the country.

How is Rollerblading Different From Rollerskating?


  • Acclaimed with introducing the first polyurethane boot and wheels
  • First heel brakes, though it is not as easy to stop
  • Developed Active Brake Technology
  • Easier to control
  • Have 2-6 wheels in a straight line
  • Stability
  • Slower pace to learn


  • Have 4 wheels set up in a rectangular shape
  • Too much pressure on your ankles and feet
  • Takes more of an effort to learn how
  • Cannot stop properly
  • Make wider turns
  • Slow for a turn

Why is Rollerblading Easier?

For children who want to learn how to skate, it’s best that you teach them on rollerblades. Rollerblades are very stable and are less prone to wheel clipping. It is easier to separate your feet than it is while rollerskating. 

The Benefits of Rollerblading

Most skates feature four wheels. Although the boot is snug, at least it comes with a needed break to help make stopping easier. It’s not fun when you’re speeding down a hill and there is no way to stop forcing a nasty fall. 

  • Stability: Inline skates also allow elevated stability. The wheelbase is longer, with the first wheel at the front (which is just ahead of the toe) and the rear wheel behind your heel you are less likely to fall forwards or backward than on a pair of Roller Skates. That’s good news to hear.
  • Versatile: Rollerblades are also pretty versatile. They can be used just about anywhere and on a variety of different surfaces, such as in parks, on roads and in urban spaces. Rollerblading is the best for fitness, commuting, or just having fun in general.

Learning to Stop on Rollerblades

At the end of the rollerblade on the right ankle, there is a mechanism at the ankle to help make you stop. Stopping is very simple. Easier than with rollerskating that is. Don’t have your kids start off with rollerskates because there is no easy way of stopping. It takes practice while over time, but eventually, you will get the hang out it and pick up some crafty skills. 

Do People Still Rollerblade?

Sadly, Rollerblading died out in the early 2000s but now it is on the rise again. Rollerblading has seen its rise and fall throughout the years. The 80s were primetime for rollerblading. Like many fads, rollerblading has gone in and out. 

Rollerblading has slowly been coming back as a popular sport. People will rollerblade through their neighborhood. People who have rollerbladed in their childhood are happy to return to the sport. For most athletes, rollerblading is a great way to get in shape. 

Rollerblading has been making a comeback all thanks to the Internet. People have provided more and more content. Because of the rise of technology, curious Internet users find those videos of people rollerblading and want to try out all those fancy tricks. 

Why Did Rollerblading Fall Out in the 2000s?

Many are curious as to why a popular sport like rollerblading fell out in the 2000s. According to Allan Wright who launched the world’s first inline skating tour company in 1997, he believes that rollerblading went out of style because of the difficulty of learning the sport. Wright also noted how easy it was to strap on skates and start skating, but for most people, it was not easy to garner the confidence of skating. 

Just because one fall happened, people decided to give it up, putting the skates away in the closet. That’s how most sports are. Failing is not something that people should be afraid of. It’s simply learning the mistakes that you made, and learning to do better next time. 

Why Should I Promote Rollerblading?

It’s just like promoting school, your favorite products on commercials, or even telling people about your hobby rollerblading needs to be promoted more. Based on promoting, the world has learned where rollerblading is still hip. 

What is Rollerblading Good for?

Rollerblading is the best for exercise. Some people rollerblade as a way to escape from going to the gym. Rollerblading is also very good for mental health. It becomes a hobby. Or a passion. It’s a great way to stay active. Let this passion evolve into something new. It does not need to thrive through investments. Just passion.

Rollerblading is fast, fun, and healthy. For those who are trying to find an alternative exercise away from the usual jog, swim, or going to the gym, try out rollerblading. 

How to Rollerblade

It’s all in the way on how you maneuver your body to rollerblade. Bend your knees and lower the upper body. You can also try interval blading where you rollerblade very fast and then slow down to a manageable pace. Repeat this process several times so you can get used to the feel of rollerblading. The repeating movement helps tone your body in shorter workout sessions. 

  • Health Benefits
  • Aerobic Exercise
  • Core/Lower Back Muscles: Strengths your balance and coordination skills
  • Mental Health
  • Coordination

Safety Precautions

Nobody who rollerblades is going to get it right from the start. That means you are going to have some falls. On your knees, wrists, or on your rear end. That’s why it is very important to wear protection to avoid serious injuries. 

Be aware of your surroundings when you are rollerblading. It is very easy to run into somebody or even hit a tree if you are not paying attention. Rollerblading is fun, as it is also a risk.

What Should I Wear?

  • Helmet: #1 safety item. It will keep your head safe if you have any terrible falls
  • Wrist Guards: Protects your wrists from any terrible injuries
  • Elbow/Knee Pads: When a fall is about to happen, most people try to land on their knees. Always acquire elbow/knee pads

Where Can I go to Rollerblade?

To rollerblade in a more suitable area, inline skate parks have been invented. Although it is never going to be the same like how it was in the 80s it’s wonderful that rollerblading is on the rise again. Roller derby is a very popular sport among rollerblading fans. It takes practice, but anyone can play the sport.

Aside from trying to find places that are popular for rollerblading, make it easier and try it out in your neighborhood. Even skating through forests or little recreational areas is fine. Turn rollerblading into a fun leisure delight.